Our Vision.
Ignite Change. Improve Lives. Strengthen Community.
About Us
Our Story
Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre (DPNCHC) is a respected multi-service agency located in Toronto’s West End.
Since 1985 we have helped community members to stay healthy, build their capacity, increase their wellbeing, deepen their sense of belonging, and become more resilient through our supports.
We believe every person is capable of taking responsibility for their own wellbeing. For this reason we create all of our programs and services in partnership with those we serve.
Our Centre is accredited by the Canadian Centre for Accreditation. To learn more about what this means, view our Accessibility Policies
About Our Neighbourhood
Located in the north of downtown Toronto's west end, our community is diverse and dynamic.
Every day we see individuals, families, service agencies, faith groups, community associations, small businesses, schools, and social clubs make our vibrant community the best it can be.
At the same time some of these community members struggle with poverty, face a lack of opportunity, and have trouble accessing the services they need. Many newcomers, people without status in Canada, racialized groups, and other vulnerable populations encounter barriers accessing healthcare, education, employment, legal protection, social support, and housing.
We work with the people who struggle with these issues by offering them a space that meets their needs and equips them with the tools they need to thrive.
Safe and healthy neighbourhoods thrive when we reduce personal, social, and economic inequalities for individuals and families across the city. Our work is grounded in our community but its impacts are felt far beyond our catchment borders.
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Community Demographics
What is a Community Health Centre?
Community Health Centres (CHCs) are non-profit organizations that provide primary health and health promotion programs for individuals, families and communities.
We are governed by a community-elected Board of Directors, which helps us reflect the needs of the community we are a part of.
Our Mission and Values
Our Mission
Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre provides integrated, accessible health and community services for individuals and families in our community who experience social and economic barriers, to ignite change, improves lives, and strengthen community.
Our Values
We believe that everyone has the right to the basic conditions that make good health possible and enable them to live to their full potential. To that end we employ skilled and empathetic staff. We also create deep integration with our community partners and across our programs.
We believe that people can improve their lives and their neighbourhoods. To support this we prioritize a community focus in our planning and build the strength of local residents to become community champions and drive positive change.
We challenge systemic inequities that some individuals and groups face in our community. We do this by maintaining an equity approach to service delivery and by employing a strong client-centred focus in our work.
We support, celebrate and embrace diversity as an integral part of our work. We promote equal opportunity in all the services we provide.
We strive to create a welcoming, inclusive, safe, supportive, and accessible space for everyone. To do this we function as a multi-service hub for the community and provide systems navigation support to our clients.
We are committed to honest, ethical and accountable behavior by keeping in place strong staff, governance and stewardship to guide our organization.
We use quality improvement, planning and assessment to ensure that our programs are of the highest quality and are driving at the outcomes we want to achieve.
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style.
Maya Angelou
Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan
Our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan identifies four areas we will prioritize to enhance our impact
Optimize and Align Decision Making and Planning with our Intended Impacts
We will increase our capacity for data collection, analysis and evaluation.
We will build a system that better connects data and decision making at all levels of the organization.
We will create tools to measure the impacts in our theory of change.
Influence Healthcare Reform and Redesign
We will work with other mid-West CHCs to lead a primary care network.
We will advocate for and protect the needs of vulnerable clients in a changing health care environment.
We will champion social prescribing as a viable approach that improves health outcomes.
Deepen Accessibility for Vulnerable Residents
We will protect and prioritize access to services for vulnerable residents among the competitive pressures of neighbourhood change.
We will broaden our reach to underserved groups and areas in the community.
Mobilize Positive Community Change
We will be a backbone organization that facilitates and supports local community change.
We will foster the development of local resident leadership and advocacy skills.
We will help local residents gain access to decision makers in order to affect change.